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Hello everybody! This blog is mainly about cats and owls , facts about them funny things and many other things!

Information and what this blog is about

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday Cat....... Snow Leopards!

Herro Everybuddy I've decided that every Saturday I would write about a special kind of cat or a pawpular one and today it is.........
The Snow Leopard!

I decided this because I really admire them and they are just sooooo majestic and beautiful I couldn't resist writing it since I saw one today

    Snow Leopards are an endangered species of cats ( there are less than 3,00 in the wild!)that live in Central and South Asia. They live in cold, snowy mountains and have thick, long, fur and and small ears to be able to live in the cold. They are carnivores and can hunt animals larger than them.

   Snow leopards are not very sociable and live alone, except when a female is with her cubs. However, they do not defend their territory aggressively when other snow leopards are present.They are endangered because they are killed for their fur.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Back from a trip

Sorry for not posting for the last few days.
I wasn't because I was on a pawsome trip in New York Kitty!
Here is one place you would want to check out if you came here......
Cat Cafe!
Check it out http://www.purinaone.com/cats/28-day-challenge/nyc-cat-cafelittle I

A cafe with 16 cats inside!