About this

Hello everybody! This blog is mainly about cats and owls , facts about them funny things and many other things!

Information and what this blog is about

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Legend of the Bakeneko

 Bakeneko are supernatural creatures that is said once to be a cat and was brutally murdered by a human. This tale originated from parts of Japan. It is said to have two tails, be able to shape-shift into a human, posses them and have other powers.

how to draw Grumpy Cat

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I'm back!

Sorry for being away so long! for the past few weeks I was quite busy and I would like to give you a few updates on this blog.

1. I changed the name of the blog because it doesn't really mach what it is about. It is now called Doodlecat!
2. The topic is now going to be mostly about cats and cat artwork.
3. I will now try to post everyday with new pictures, facts, and cat stories!