About this

Hello everybody! This blog is mainly about cats and owls , facts about them funny things and many other things!

Information and what this blog is about

Friday, May 30, 2014

Cute Animal Friday! Slow Loris

Today's animal is.......(drum roll) the Slow Loris!!!

Slow Lorises are an endangered kind of primate that live in Southeast Asia.
They may look cute, but they have a venomous bite. They are sometimes sold as pets. Here is an adorable video of one eating rice!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18-xvIjH8T4 

Animal Danger! How to make bird feeder

Hello everybody! I, personally, love animals and I found out that they are in danger! Their home is disappearing and they don't know what to do! I am telling you this because I know how you can help, even if it's just a little bit. For now I'll tell you how to make a bird feeder to help the birds in your neighborhood.

Bird Feeder

What You Need

1 cardboard tube
peanut butter
bird seeds
2-4 Popsicle sticks ( depending on tube size)
string or yarn
hole puncher
spoon/butter  knife
marker, pen, or pencil


1. Gather all that you need.
2. Mark slits on cardboard tube, for each Popsicle stick put two marks, one at each side and cut it with your scissors
3. Insert the Popsicle sticks.
4. Cover the cardboard tube evenly with peanut butter.
5. Put seeds all over the peanut butter.
6. Punch 2 holes on each side of the tube and put your string through and tie it.
7. Hang your bird feeder somewhere outside and give the birds a tasty surprise!

Yay!!!!!!!! It's Fridayyyyyyyyy

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The making of Nyan cat

I'm pretty sure a lot of people had heard of Nyan cat, the rainbow-farting pop tart cat in outer space, but do you know how it started? I do. Here is the story.

    It started when Chris Torres was donating blood to the Red Cross and he was joking around with his friends. They some pop tarts and thought of 'making this strange that was his cat and had a pop tart body. They then made an animated gif about it. A Japanese guy saw it and then made the song of Nyan cat.
That is the story of Nyan cat, that still continues its journey through space in search of delicious sweets.

5 Crazy Cat Facts You Didn't Know

When people usually think of cats they think of fluffy, cute, meowing hairballs that people keep as pets. But here are some facts that are pretty strange.

1.4 million cats are eaten in Asia every year.
2. In Egypt, If someone's cat died they would mourn by shaving off their eyebrows.
3. A cat named Dusty had more than 240 kittens in her lifetime!
4.In 1963, a French cat named Felicette went to space and survived!
5.An average cat will sleep up to 18 hours a day.
This information are from the listed websites: http://www.dailyrandomfacts.com/animal-facts-2/17-fun-cat-facts/

The Grumpy Princess

The grumpy little mermaid
Gumpy Ice queen

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

And here is the first pic

yup, this is how it started

Animal jam Wednesday!

On the adventure " Return of the phantoms"(hard) there is a code to get scary bat wings!
When you are rescuing the bunnies do it the order by saving snowball, daisy, jack, then oliver.

Cat Meme invasion

Well.... Just to tell you I will be posting cat memes soon, Including the well-known grumpy cat, the inspirational nyancat, hovercat, coloniel meow and many others. See you soon. Meow!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hello Everybody! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

so...... I haven't made a blog before, but I'll do the best can!(nyan!)

I am a youtuber, known as Nyanified Pat, and I would really be grateful if you would subscribe.